Animal Stamps

A brief history of this website – in 2010 I started to use WordPress; before that I used HTML but I don’t think I’ve still got anything that was from that earlier version (possibly I have); in 2020 I wiped 10 years of posting from the site as a prelude to revamping the whole thing;… Continue reading Animal Stamps

Categorized as stamps

New Neureille album

I’m still planning to overhaul this website and re-upload old material that used to be on it, but it proved to be beyond my capabilities so I’m waiting to find the right person to help me with it. In the meantime the new Neureille album is now available on streaming services. I don’t have any… Continue reading New Neureille album

Categorized as music


I’m working on redesigning this website. It may take a little while because in order to do what I have in mind I need to start using style sheets and there will be a learning curve before I can get there. At the moment I’ve taken all posts down because anyway it wasn’t really that… Continue reading Maintenance

Categorized as fire